- 症状進行に適合するIT操作支援の研究
- 効果音を利用した情報の直接提示に関する研究
- エンターテイメント要素を取り入れたリハビリシステムに関する研究
- H.Honda,K.Tobita,H.Takahashi,“Research of PC information acquisition using an audible signal”,International Conference on Simulation Technology 2013 (4JSST2013),(2013),OS2-8
- H.Honda,K.Tobita,"Research of Information Recognition in PC Operation with Auditory Signal”, Proceedings and Program, 5th International Congress of International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR 2013),(2013),1256-1
- Hiroshi Takahashi,Hirohiko Honda,“聴覚刺激による無意識な操作特性誘導に関する基礎的研究(ビート音による単純計算作業成績制御)”, 日本機械学会論文集C,Vol.79,No.799,2013),pp.467-478.
- 本多博彦,“上肢障害者の特性を考慮したポインティング操作の研究”,The Institute of Electronics,Information and Communication Engineers and Information Processing Society of Japan(Forum on Information Technology 2012),(2012),pp.91-97.
- Hirohiko Honda,“Mouse Operation Support for the Physically-Challenged Persons who have Progressive Intractable Diseases”, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics,Vol.16,No.1,(2012),pp.131-138.
- Hirohiko Honda and Kazuko Tobita,“Efficiency Improvement of information Acquisition in PC Operation with Auditory Signal”, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics,Vol.16,No.1,(2012),pp.124-130.
- Hiroshi Takahashi,Hirohiko Honda,“A Study on the Possibility of Applying Subliminal Visual Cue for Guiding Subject's Attention”, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.16,No.1,(2012),pp.96-107.
- Hiroshi Takahashi,Hirohiko Honda,“A Study on the Change of Operation of Driving Video Game Under Ultrasound Exposure”, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics,Vol.16,No.1,(2012),pp.117-123.
- 高橋宏, 本多博彦,“運転支援への超音波利用の可能性に関する一考察”,電気学会論文誌C,Vol.130,No.9,(2010),pp.1636-1643.
- 高橋宏,本多博彦,“視覚的閾下情報提示による運転者への注意誘導に関する一考察”,電気学会論文誌C,Vol.130,No.7,(2010),pp.1151-1158.
- Tuneyoshi Kamae,Hirohiko Honda,Takayuki Watanabe,Tomio Koide,Tohru Kurihara,“Voice Windows:A Script-Based Platform in Windows for Visually Impaired”, Universal Access in HCI, Vol.3 of the Proceedings of HCI International 2001,(2001),pp.349-352.
- Hirohiko Honda,Masaharu Hirayama,Manabu Watanabe,Hideyo Kunieda,Yuzuru Tawara,Koujyun Yamashita,Takaya Ohashi,J.Hughes,J.Henry,“Detection of a Temperature Structure in the Coma Cluster of Galaxies with ASCA”,Astrophysical Journal Lett, 473,(1996),pp.71-74.
- 高橋宏,本多博彦,牧紀子著,「エンジニアになるための初級工学練習帳」,養賢堂,(2015.11.19 初版),p.1-116