


加藤 和弥 教授






  • 汎用ツールホルダに固定して使用する工具センシングデバイスの研究
  • 工場生産設備のワイヤレスセンシングに関する研究
  • リーマ加工・タップ加工に使用する切削液の研究






  1. 竹内芳美・清水弘幸・吉川浩史・加藤和弥・稲田久・佐田登志夫,“超精密旋削加工機の開発と加工誤差補正“,日本機械学会論文集,57-542,C (1991) 3269-3273.
  2. Y. Takeuchi・H. Shimizu・H. Yoshikawa・K. Kato・H. Inada・T. Sata,”Development of Ultraprecision Lathe and Compensation of Machining Error”,Japanese Journal of Advanced Automation Technology,4-4 (1992) 198-202.
  3. 竹内芳美・加藤和弥・沢田潔・佐田登志夫,“超精密フライス加工の研究(加工機の構成と加工結果)”,日本機械学会論文集,58-554,C (1992) 3116-3122.
  4. Y. Takeuchi・K. Kato・S. Kawakita・K. Sawada・T. Sata,”Generation of Sculptured Surfaces by Means of an Ultraprecision Milling Machine”,Annals of the CIRP,42-1 (1993) 611-614.
  5. 加藤和弥・竹内芳美・前田幸男・山中敏夫,“スクロール圧縮機部品の高精度・高能率加工(旋回・固定スクロールの底面の低摩耗加工)”,日本機械学会論文集,70-695,C (2004) 2126-2132.
  6. 加藤和弥・竹内芳美・前田幸男・山中敏夫・小野塚英明,“スクロール圧縮機部品の高精度・高能率加工(表面粗さに着目した高能率底面加工)”,日本機械学会論文集,70-697,C (2004) 2730-2736.
  7. K. Kato・Y. Takeuchi・Y. Maeda・T. Yamanaka,“High-precision and high-efficiency machining of scroll compressor components (Bottom machining of orbiting and fixed scrolls in low wear)”,The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Springer-Verlag, 27 (2005) 260-267.
  8. 加藤和弥・竹内芳美・前田幸男・山中敏夫・小野塚英明,“スクロール圧縮機部品の高精度・高能率加工(加工点一定制御における加工精度の向上)”,日本機械学会論文集,71-701,C (2005) 304-310.
  9. T Iida・Y Maeda・D Hirase・K Kamiya・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa,“Influence of Tool wear on Cutting Characteristics in Ultra-precision Cutting”,Key Engineering Materials, Vols 656-657(2015) 302-307.
  10. D Goto・Y Maeda・K Iwatsuka・K Kamiya・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa・S Suzuki,“Study on Ultrasonic Cavitation-assisted Micro-endmill Milling”,Key Engineering Materials, Vols 656-657(2015) 381-386.
  11. S Yamada・Y Maeda・T Wakabayashi・K Kamiya・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa,“Tool Wear Characteristics in Near-Dry Cutting of Ni-based Superalloy”,Key Engineering Materials, Vols 656-657(2015) 404-409.
  12. K Kato・Y Maeda・H Tanaka,“Grinding Technology of Cylindrical Surface with Protrusion”,Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1136 (2016) 54-59.
  13. S Yamada・Y Maeda・T Motoyoshi・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa,“Tool Wear Characteristics of Cylindrical Cutting of Nickel-based Super Alloy”,Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1136 (2016) 168-172.
  14. D Goto・Y Maeda・K Iwatsuka・T Motoyoshi・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa,“Influence of Endmill Tool Run-out to Machining Accuracy in Micro-groove Milling”,Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1136 (2016) 173-177.
  15. T Iida・Y Maeda・D Hirase・T Motoyoshi・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa, “Influence of Tool Shape on Cutting Characteristics in Ultra-precision Cutting of Al-Mg Alloys”,Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1136 (2016) 178-183.
  16. D Goto・Y Maeda・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa, ”Influence of Tool Run-Out on Machining Accuracy with Multi-Tooth Endmill”, Int. J. of Automation Technology, Vol.10, No.5 (2016) pp 759-766
  17. K Kato・K Utsumi・K Nishikawa・A Nomura, Development of wireless cutting vibration monitoring device fixed to tool holder, Int. J. Abrasive Technology, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2022, pp.1-16
  1. K. Kato・Y. Takeuchi・Y. Maeda・T. Yamanaka,”High Precision and High Efficiency Machining of Scroll Compressor Components by Means of Effective Coolant Supply and Devised End Mill Geometry”,International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century : LEM21 (2003) Proceedings
  2. Y Isokawa・Y Maeda・K Iwatsuka・K Kato・H Tanaka・T Yazawa,”Grinding of Microgrooves in Cemented Carbide Dies -Influence of grinding conditions to groove shapes accuracy-“,The 1st International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) Proceedings,Invited Special Sessions, ISS-6 No.1 (2012)
  3. T. Wakabayashi・Y. Maeda・K. Kato・T. Yazawa,”Near-Dry Cutting of Titanium Alloy -Tool wear characteristic using cemented carbide tool-“,The 1st International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) Proceedings,Invited Special Sessions,ISS-6 No.2 (2012)
  4. D. Hirase・Y. Maeda・K. Iwatsuka・K. Kato・T. Yazawa,”Ultra-Precision Cutting of an Aluminum Alloy -Improvement of cutting edge shape with straight diamond tool-“,The 1st International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) Proceedings,Invited Special Sessions, ISS-6 No.3 (2012)
  5. K. Iwatsuka・Y. Maeda・Y. Isokawa・K. Kato・H. Tanaka・T. Yazawa,”Fine Groove of Microchannel Dies -Relationship between run out of tool and groove accuracy-“,The 1st International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications (ICRERA) Proceedings,Invited Special Sessions, ISS-5 No.4 (2012)
  6. T Iida・Y Maeda・D Hirase・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa,” Examination about Reduce Surface Defects in Ultra-precision Cutting of Al-Mg Alloys“,Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT2015) Proceedings
  7. S Yamada・Y Maeda・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa,” Tool Wear Characteristics of Nickel-Based Super Alloy Cutting with Cooling Systems “,Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT2015) Proceedings
  8. D Goto・Y Maeda・N Imai・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa,”Grinding of Micro-grooves in Borosilicate Glass by Using Electroplated Diamond Grinding Wheel “,Manufacturing, Machine Design and Tribology (ICMDT2015) Proceedings
  9. D Goto・Y Maeda・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa,” Influence of Tool Run-out on Machining Accuracy with Multi-tooth Endmill “,International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century : LEM21 (2015) Proceedings
  10. S Yamada・Y Maeda・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa,”Study on High-Efficiency Cutting of Nickel-Based Super Alloy “,International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century : LEM21 (2015) Proceedings
  11. T Iida・Y Maeda・H Tanaka・K Kato・T Yazawa,”Influence of Cutting Edge Shape on Cutting Characteristics in Ultra-precision Cutting “,International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century : LEM21 (2015) Proceedings
  12. Yaning Zou・Y Maeda・S Yamada・K Kato・H Tanaka・T Yazawa・T Otsubo, "Tool Wear Characteristics of Near-Dry Cutting on Difficult-to-cut Materials", 2016 International Conference on Machining, Materials and Mechanical Technologies (2016 IC3MT) Proceedings
  13. K Amaki・Y Maeda・T Iida・K Kato・H Tanaka・T Yazawa・T Otsubo, "Influence of Scratch Marks on Undeformed Chip Thickness in Ultra-precision Cutting of Al-Mg Alloys", 2016 International Conference on Machining, Materials and Mechanical Technologies (2016 IC3MT) Proceedings
  14. S Nakai・Y Maeda・D Goto・K Kato・H Tanaka・T Yazawa・T Otsubo, "Influence of Ball Endmill Tool Run-out on Machining Accuracy", 2016 International Conference on Machining, Materials and Mechanical Technologies (2016 IC3MT) Proceedings
  15. Yaning Zou・Y Maeda・S Yamada・K Kato・H Tanaka・T Yazawa・T Otsubo, "Tool Wear Characteristics of Near-Dry Cutting with the High Hardness Materials", The 7th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (2016 ICOME) Proceedings
  16. K Amaki・Y Maeda・T Iida・K Kato・H Tanaka・T Yazawa・T Otsubo, "Influence of Scratch Marks on Undeformed Chip Thickness with a Straight Diamond Tool ", The 7th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (2016 ICOME) Proceedings
  17. S Nakai・Y Maeda・D Goto・K Kato・H Tanaka・T Yazawa・T Otsubo, "Influence of Surface Roughness to Tool Run-out with Ball Endmill", The 7th TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering (2016 ICOME) Proceedings
  18. K Kato・M Muraki・N Fukuoka,”Effect of Water Soluble Cutting Fluids on Processing Accuracy in Reaming of Cast Iron ~ Relationship between Coefficient of Friction of Cutting Fluid by Tribometer and Reaming Accuracy ~”,International Tribology Conference Sendai (2019) Proceedings
  19. D Nagaseki・K Kato・M Uematsu・H Chiba・S Niigaki・R Kobayashi・H Natori・T Okane, Development of Highly Functional Adaptors for Sports Prostheses, IEEE 11th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2022)Proceedings
  20. D Nagaseki・K Kato・M Uematsu・H Chiba・S Niigaki・R Kobayashi・H Natori・T Okane, Development of Running Support Device for Sports Femoral Prostheses, IEEE 12th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics (GCCE 2023)Proceedings




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