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梅澤 克之 教授











質の高い教育をみんなに 産業と技術革新の基盤をつくろう


  1. 技術情報協会(編),“生体センシング技術の開発とヘルスケア、遠隔診断への応用”,第10章第5節,“プログラミング学習時の理解度推定に向けた脳波・心拍・表情分析,” pp.422-430,ISBN978-4-86798-019-4,April, 2024.
  2. Stefan Buttcher, Charles L. A. Clarke, Gordon V. Cormack (共著),梅澤克之,Neil Rubens,松田健,三川健太,水野信也,山本健司 (共訳) ,“情報検索:検索エンジンの実装と評価(Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search Engine),” 森北出版, ISBN: 978-4-627-81761-6, Oct., 2020.
  3. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Ishida, Michitaka Aramoto, Manabu Kobayashi, Makoto Nakazawa, Shigeichi Hirasawa,“A Method Based on Self-Study Log Information for Improving Effectiveness of Classroom Component in Flipped Classroom Approach,” Information Resources Management Association (USA), Blended Learning: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Information Resources Management Association (USA), Chapter 86, pp.1818-1834, ISBN: 9781522507833, 2017.
  4. 梅澤克之,石田崇著,平澤茂一監修,初学者のためのコンピュータのしくみ,プレアデス出版,2013年5月.
  1. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Applying Second Language Acquisition (SLA) Strategies to Programming Education: A Comparative Analysis of Learning Approaches in Early Japanese Curriculum,” International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Dec. 2024, Volume: III; December 2024; Page No.31-39, ISSN 2424-7073, https://doi.org/10.47722/imrj.2001.34
  2. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takumi Koshikawa, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Mental stress analysis by measuring heart rate variability during learning programming: Comparison of visual- and text-based languages,” Journal of Computer Languages, Dec. 2024, 101311, ISSN 2590-1184, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cola.2024.101311.
  3. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takumi Koshikawa, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa (2024). “Mental Stress Analysis During Visual- And Text-Based Language Learning by Measuring Heart Rate Variability”: Alvaro Rocha, Hojjat Adeli, Gintautas Dzemyda, Fernando Moreira, Aneta Poniszewska-Mara?da (eds) Good Practices and New Perspectives in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 988. Springer, Cham. p.p.13-22, May 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-60224-5_2
  4. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Mitsuaki Sawata, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa. "A Study on the Relationship Between Heart Rate and Brain Waves During Programming Task in Several Experiments." In Proceedings of the 2023 12th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA '23). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), New York, NY, USA, p.p. 321-327. June 2023. https://doi.org/10.1145/3587828.3587876
  5. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "Brain Wave, Heart Rate, and Facial Expression Relationship Validation During Programming Learning Comprehension Study," In: G. Fulantelli et al. (Eds.) Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online: 4th International Conference, HELMeTO 2022, Palermo, Italy, September 21-23, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer Nature, 2023. p.p. 523-535, June 2023.
  6. Kazuo Takaragi, Takashi Kubota, Sven Wohlgemuth, Katsuyuki Umezawa, and Hiroki Koyanagi, "Secure Revocation Features in eKYC - Privacy Protection in Central Bank Digital Currency," The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (IEICE) Transactions on Fundamentals, Vol.E106-A, No.3, pp. 325-332, Mar. 2023.
  7. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Evaluation of Difficulty During Visual Programming Learning Using a Simple Electroencephalograph and Minecraft Educational Edition,” In: Rocha A., Adeli H., Dzemyda G., Moreira F., Ramalho Correia A.M. (eds) Trends and Applications in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST 2021. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1367. Springer, Cham. p.p.31-41, Mar, 2021.
  8. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Tomohiko Saito, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Learning-State-Estimation Method Using Browsing History and Electroencephalogram During Programming Language Learning and Its Evaluation,” In: Agrati L.S. et al. (eds) Bridges and Mediation in Higher Distance Education. HELMeTO 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1344. Springer, Cham. p.p. 40-55, Feb. 2021.
  9. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Yusuke Mishina, Sven Wohlgemuth, and Kazuo Takaragi, “Threat Analysis using Vulnerability Databases -Topic Model Analysis using LDA and System Model Description-,” IARIA International Journal on Advances in Security, vol. 12 no 1 & 2, pp. 130-140, June. 2019.
  10. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Tomohiko Saito, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Learning State Estimation Method by Browsing History and Brain Waves During Programming Language Learning,” In: Rocha A., Adeli H., Reis L., Costanzo S. (eds) Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies. WorldCIST'18 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 746. Springer, Cham. p.p. 1307-1316, May 2018.
  11. 梅澤克之,“効果的な反転授業の提案と実験による評価,” 湘南工科大学紀要,第52巻,第1号,pp.37-52,Feb. 2018.
  12. 梅澤克之,奥田啓明,後藤弘美,“仮想デスクトップシステムの運用管理時の負荷制御方法,” 電気学会論文誌(C), Vol.136 No.6, pp.832-837, June, 2016.
  13. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Ishida, Michitaka Aramoto, Manabu Kobayashi, Makoto Nakazawa, Shigeichi Hirasawa,“A Method based on Self-study Log Information for Improving Effectiveness of Classroom Component in Flipped Classroom Approach,” International Journal of Software Innovation (IJSI), Volume 4, Issue 2, pp.17-32, April 2016.
  14. 梅澤克之,奥田啓明,後藤弘美,“大規模仮想デスクトップシステムの開発,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D)(研究速報), vol.J99-D, no.1, pp.130-133, Jan. 2016.
  15. 梅澤克之,川野隆,森田伸義,礒川弘実,萱島信,手塚悟,“モバイルアクセス基盤システムの開発と評価,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), Vol.J96-D, no.10, pp.2295-2307, Oct. 2013.
  16. 梅澤克之,礒川弘実,加藤崇利,萱島信,手塚悟,“端末連携認証システムの開発と評価,” 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.53, no.9, pp.2094-2106, Sep. 2012.
  17. Katsuyuki UMEZAWA, and Satoru TEZUKA, “Development and Evaluation of FMC Authentication Technology with Cellular Phones,” IEICE TRANS. COMMUN., Vol.E94–B, No.11, pp. 3009-3017, Nov. 2011.
  18. 梅澤克之, 手塚悟, “スマートフォンをセキュアデバイスとして用いるリモート接続システムの開発と評価,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌B Vol. J94–B No.4 pp. 530–538, April 2011.
  19. 内山宏樹,梅澤克之,洲崎誠一, “セキュリティプロトコルのカスタマイズ技術を適用したICカードサービスシステムの開発と評価,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B,Vol. J94-B, No.4, pp.567-576, April 2011.
  20. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Seiichi Susaki, Masamori Kashiyama and Satoru Tezuka, “A Proposal of User Authentication Infrastructure for Next-Generation Telematics,” IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering(TEEE), vol.5, Issue 4, pp.439-449, Jun. 2010.
  21. 内山宏樹,梅澤克之,洲崎誠一, “ICカード内部でセキュリティプロトコルの変更を実現するマルチアプリケーションICカードシステムの開発と評価,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌 B,Vol. J92-B, No.12, pp.1823-1831, Dec. 2009.
  22. 内山宏樹,梅澤克之,洲崎誠一,“セキュリティプロトコルの変更が可能なマルチアプリケーションICカードシステムの開発と評価,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌B,Vol. J92-B, No.7, pp.1030-1038, Jul. 2009.
  23. 梅澤克之, 手塚悟, 佐藤一夫, 松木彰, 曽我健二, 片山透, 清本晋作, 田中俊昭, “モバイルサービス向け認証基盤の開発,”電子情報通信学会論文誌(D) Vol.J91-D, no.3, pp.744-756, Mar. 2008.
  24. 梅澤克之, 笈川光浩, 洲崎誠一, 手塚悟, 平澤茂一,“モバイル向け証明書検証システムの開発,” 情報処理学会論文誌, Vol.48, no.2, pp.625-634, Feb. 2007.
  25. 梅澤克之, 笈川光浩, 洲崎誠一, 手塚悟, 平澤茂一,“モバイル環境での証明書検証方式の評価,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D), vol.J90-D, no.2, pp.384-398, Feb. 2007.
  26. 梅澤克之, 坂崎尚生, 佐藤一夫, 松木彰, 曽我健二, 片山透, 清本晋作, 田中俊昭, 平澤茂一, “モバイルサービス向け認証基盤の検討,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌(D)(研究速報), vol.J90-D, no.2, pp.596-599, Feb. 2007.
  27. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Seiichi Susaki, Satoru Tezuka and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Development and Evaluation of a Certificate Validation System in Mobile Environments,” IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering(TEEE), vol.2, no.1, pp.84-93, Jan. 2007.
  28. 梅澤克之, 鍛忠司, 藤城孝宏, 近藤勝彦, 洲崎誠一, 手塚悟, 佐々木良一, “CORBA セキュリティポリシー管理ツールの実装,”情報処理学会論文誌, vol.42, no.8, pp.2077-2086, Aug. 2001
  29. 鍛忠司, 洲崎誠一, 梅澤克之, 近藤勝彦, 手塚悟, 佐々木良一, 鬼頭昭, “分散オブジェクトシステムにおけるモバイルコード用セキュリティ機構の提案,”情報処理学会論文誌, vol.42, no.3, pp.586–594, Mar. 2001.
  1. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Satoshi Yoshida, Michiko Nakano, Shigeichi Hirasawa, "Stress Evaluation Using Heart Rate Variability in English and Programming Language Learning," Proceedings of the 24th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICEducation 2025), Jan. 2025.
  2. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, " Heart Rate Variability Analysis in High School Students During Programming Learning," Abstract of the 6th International Conference on Engineering Education and Innovation (ICEEI 2024), p. 1, Dec. 2024.
  3. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Michiko Nakano and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "Classification of Programming-Related Courses by Second Language Acquisition Methodology," Papers of the 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Education, Teaching & Technology (AP-EduTeach 2024), p.p. 38-46, Nov. 2024.
  4. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Verification of the effectiveness of classes using intermediate content for transitioning from a visual- to a text-based programming language,” Proceeding of the 24th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (IEEE ICALT 2024), p.p. 1-2, July 2024. (Best discussion paper award受賞)
  5. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takumi Koshikawa, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Mental Stress Analysis during Visual- and Text-based Language Learning by Measuring Heart Rate Variability,” Proceeding of the 12th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST 2024), Vol 4, p.p. 13-22, Mar. 2024.
  6. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takumi Koshikawa, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "Analysis of differences in heart rate, heart rate variability, emotion, and brain waves during learning visual- and text-based languages," Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information and Education Technology (ICIET), Yamaguchi, Japan, Mar. 2024.
  7. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takumi Koshikawa, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "Differential analysis of heart rate, facial expressions and brain wave during learning of visual- and text-based languages," Proceedings of the VIII IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE2024), Guatemala City, Guatemala, pp. 1-6, Mar. 2024. (Best Paper Award 受賞)
  8. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takumi Tajima, Makoto Nakazawa, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "Differential Analysis of Biological Information during the Learning of a Second Language and a Programming Language," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (IEEE TALE 2023), Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 1-4, Nov. 2023.
  9. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "Comparison of Biometric Information during Learning of Visual- and Text-based Programming Languages," Proceedings of the 8th International STEM Education Conference (iSTEM-Ed 2023), Ayutthaya, Thailand, pp. 1-5, Sep. 2023. (Best Paper Awards受賞)
  10. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "Utilizing Automatic Speech Recognition for English Pronunciation Practice and Analyzing its Impact," Proceedings of the IEEE 12th International Conference on Engineering Education (IEEE ICEED 2023), Shah Alam, Malaysia, pp. 69-74, Aug. 2023.
  11. Katsuyuki Umezawa, "Learning Analysis of English and Programming Languages," Keynote Speech: The International Conference on Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL), Aug. 2023. (Keynote Speech).
  12. Michiko Nakano, Yuya Akatsuka, Makoto Nakazawa, and Katsuyuki Umezawa, "A Comparative study of English Writing Performance and Programming Performance," Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL2023), Q-1, Aug. 2023.
  13. Michiko Nakano, Yuya Akatsuka, Makoto Nakazawa, and Katsuyuki Umezawa, "Checking the concurrent learning of English writing and programming," Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL2023), P-11, Aug. 2023.
  14. Michiko Nakano, Yuya Akatsuka, Makoto Nakazawa, Norifumi Ueda, and Katsuyuki Umezawa, "Testing Rewritng Performance by ChatGPT," Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL2023), P-10, Aug. 2023.
  15. Michiko Nakano, Yuya Akatsuka, Makoto Nakazawa, Norifumi Ueda, and Katsuyuki Umezawa, "Developing Descriptive Instructions for English Writing Courses for High School Students," Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL2023), P-9, Aug. 2023.
  16. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Sven Wohlgemuth, Keisuke Hasegawa, and Kazuo Takaragi, "Evaluation of Applying LDA to Redacted Documents in Security and Safety Analysis," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (IEEE CSR 2023), pp. 212-218, Aug. 2023.
  17. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Mitsuaki Sawata, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "A Study on the Relationship Between Heart Rate and Brain Waves During Programming Task in Several Experiments," Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2023), pp. 1-7, Feb. 2023.
  18. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Kouta Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "Proposal and Evaluation of Intermediate Content for the Transition from Visual to Text-based Programming Languages," Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2023), pp. 83-92, Jan. 2023.
  19. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "About the Analysis of Biometric Information during Learning of Visual- and Text-based Programming Language," Proceedings of the 21st Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education (HICEducation 2023), Jan. 2023.
  20. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "A Study on the Relationship Between Brain Waves, Heart Rate, and Facial Expressions During Programming Learning," Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2022), pp. 1-7, Oct. 2022.
  21. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "Validation of the Relationship among Brain Waves, Heart Rates, and Facial Expressions during Programming Learning," Book of Abstracts of the 4th International Conference on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online (HELMeTO2022), pp. 213-215, Sept. 2022.
  22. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Hiroki Koyanagi, Sven Wohlgemuth, Yusuke Mishina, and Kazuo Takaragi, "Safety and Security Analysis using LDA based on Case Reports: Case Study and Trust Evaluation Method," Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2022), Article No.: 154, pp. 1-7, Aug. 2022.
  23. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "A Proposal for Intermediate Content: Transition from Visual to Text-Based Languages," Proceeding of the World Conference on Computers in Education (WCCE2022), 2022, pp. 1, Aug. 2022.
  24. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Research Results on System Development of the Research Project of a Self-Study System for Language Learning,” Proceeding of the The IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (IEEE EDUNINE 2022), Mar. 2022.(IEEE EDUNINE 2022: Best Paper Award受賞)
  25. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Comparison Experiment of Learning State Between Visual Programming Language and Text Programming Language,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE2021), p.p. 1-5, Dec. 2021.
  26. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “The Development of a Self-Study System for Language Learning ? Overview of the Project and Related Work?,” 2021 6th International STEM Education Conference (iSTEM-Ed), Nov. 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/iSTEM-Ed52129.2021.9625093.
  27. Hiroki Koyanagi, Kazuo Takaragi, Sven Wohlgemuth, and Katsuyuki Umezawa, "Threat Analysis Using Topic Models in Large-Scale Vulnerability Databases and Security Incident Case Documents," Proceeding of the IEEE Virtual International Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (IEEE HST 2021), p.p. 1-6, Nov. 2021.
  28. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Evaluation of Difficulty During Visual Programming Learning Using a Simple Electroencephalograph and Minecraft Educational Edition,” Proceeding of the 9th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (WorldCIST 2021), Vol 3, AISC 1367, p.p. 31-41, Mar. 2021.
  29. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Application of Grouped Flipped Classroom to Three-Year Actual Class and Its Statistical Evaluation (Abstract),” Proceeding of the 2021 2nd International Conference on Education Development and Studies (ICEDS 2021), p. 34, Mar. 2021.
  30. Hiroki Koyanagi, Kazuo Takaragi, Sven Wohlgemuth, and Katsuyuki Umezawa, "Trends in Attack Cases and Vulnerability Candidates From Large Vulnerability Database Using Topic Model Analysis," Proceeding of the 2021 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (IEEE DSC 2021), pp.1-2, Jan. 2021.
  31. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Analysis of Logic Errors Utilizing a Large Amount of File History During Programming Learning,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE2020), pp.232-236, Dec. 2020.
  32. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Evaluation of Grouped Flipped Classrooms Compared with Three-Year Actual Classes Using a Questionnaire,” Proceeding of the 6th International Symposium on Engineering Accreditation and Education (ICACIT2020), pp.1-4. Nov. 2020.
  33. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Tomohiko Saito, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Learning-state-estimation Method using Browsing History and Electroencephalogram in E-learning of Programming Language and Its Evaluation,” Proceeding of the International Workshop on Higher Education Learning Methodologies and Technologies Online (HELMeTO 2020), pp.22-25, Sept. 2020.
  34. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Development of Electroencephalograph Collection System in Language-Learning Self-Study System That Can Detect Learning State of the Learner,” Proceeding of the International Conference on Higher Education Learning, Teaching and Pedagogy (ICHELTP 2020), p. 122, Sept. 2020. (Best Presentation Awardを受賞)
  35. Hiroki Koyanagi, Yusuke Mishina, Kazuo Takaragi, Sven Wohlgemuth, and Katsuyuki Umezawa, "Research on attack cases via topic-model analysis and selection of vulnerability candidates from large-scale vulnerability database," Proceeding of the The 15th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2020), pp.1-2, Sept. 2020.
  36. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Detection of Careless Mistakes during Programming Learning using a Simple Electroencephalograph,,” Proceeding of the 15th International Conference on Computer Science and Education (IEEE ICCSE 2020), pp.72-77, Aug. 2020.
  37. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Yutaka Ishii, Michiko Nakano and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Research and Development Plan of Language-Learning Self-Study System that can Detect Learners' Conditions over Time and Space,” Proceeding of the 18th Hawaii International Conference on Education, Jan. 2020.
  38. Katsuyuki Umezawa , Makoto Nakazawa, Masayuki Goto and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Development of Debugging Exercise Extraction System using Learning History,” Proceeding of the 10th The International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E 2019), pp.244-245, Dec. 2019.
  39. Katsuyuki Umezawa , Yusuke Mishina and Kazuo Takaragi, “Threat analyses using vulnerability databases -Possibility of utilizing past analysis results-,” Proceeding of the 19th Annual IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST2019), pp.1-6, Nov. 2019.
  40. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Evaluation by Questionnaire on Grouped Flipped Classroom to Two-Year Actual Class,” Proceeding of the 5th International Symposium on Engineering Accreditation and Education(ICACIT2019), Sept. 2019.
  41. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, "Application of grouped flipped classroom to two-year actual class and its statistical evaluation," Proceeding of the IEEE 14th International Conference on Computer Science & Education (ICCSE2019), pp. 283-288. Aug. 2019.
  42. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Understanding of Self-Study in a Grouped Flipped Classroom,” Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Education, Technology, E-Learning & Society (ICE19Hong Kong Conference), Paper ID: HE914, pp. 1-8, Aug. 2019.
  43. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Makoto Nakazawa, Masayuki Goto, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Development of problem extraction tool for debugging practice using learning history,” Proceeding of the 17th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, pp. 468-470, Jan. 2019.
  44. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Application and Evaluation of a Grouped Flipped Classroom Method,” Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning for Engineering (TALE2018), pp. 39-45, Dec. 2018.
  45. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Yusuke Mishina, Sven Wohlgemuth, and Kazuo Takaragi, “Threat Analysis using Vulnerability Databases -Matching Attack Cases and Vulnerability Database by Topic Model Analysis-,” Proceeding of the Third International Conference on Cyber-Technologies and Cyber-Systems (CYBER 2018), pp. 74-77, Nov. 2018. (IARIA CYBER 2018: Best Paper Award受賞)
  46. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Evaluation by Questionnaire on Grouped Flipped Classroom Method,” Proceeding of the IEEE 10th International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEED2018), pp. 87-92, Nov. 2018.
  47. Yusuke Mishina, Kazuo Takaragi, and Katsuyuki Umezawa, “A Method of Threat Analysis for Cyber-Physical System using Vulnerability Databases,” Proceeding of the 18th Annual IEEE Symposium on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST2018), pp.1-7, Oct. 2018.
  48. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Application and Evaluation of Grouped Flipped Classroom Method to Real Classes,” Proceeding of the International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Applied Science (ICETA2018), p.99, June 2018.
  49. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Tomohiko Saito, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Learning state estimation method by browsing history and brain waves during programming language learning,” Proceeding of the 6th World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (World CIST 2018), p.p. 1307-1316, Mar. 2018.
  50. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa, “Use of Student Grouping to Make Flipped Classroom More Effective,” Proceeding of the 16th Hawaii International Conference on Education, pp. 1249-1250, Jan. 2018.
  51. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Manabu Kobayashi, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa,“Experiment and Evaluation of Effective Grouped Flipped Classroom,” Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on Applied Computing & Information Technology (ACIT 2017), pp.71-76, July 2017.
  52. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Tomohiko Saito, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa and Shigeichi Hirasawa,“An Electroencephalograph-based Method for Judging the Difficulty of a Task given to a Learner,” Proceeding of the IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (IEEE ICALT 2017), pp.384-386, July 2017.
  53. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Michitaka Aramoto, Manabu Kobayashi, Takashi Ishida, Makoto Nakazawa, and Shigeichi Hirasawa,“An Effective Flipped Classroom based on the Log Information of the Self-study,” Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Applied Computing & Information Technology (ACIT 2015), pp.263-268, July 2015.
  54. Katsuyuki Umezawa, and Hiromi Goto,“Proposal and Evaluation by Simulation of Management Processing Load Control Method for Virtual Client System,” Proceeding of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2014), pp.3387-3392, Oct. 2014.
  55. Katsuyuki Umezawa, and Hiromi Goto,“Load Control System for Virtual Client System,” Proceeding of the Mosharaka 1st International Conference on Telecommunication Systems and Networks (MIC-Telecom2013), Dec. 2013.
  56. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Tomoya Miyake, and Hiromi Goto, “Development and Evaluation of a Virtual PC Type Thin Client System,” International Conference on Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNCS), Springer Verlag. pp.111-123, Aug. 2013
  57. Katsuyuki UMEZAWA, Satoru TEZUKA, Shigeichi HIRASAWA, “An Authentication System using Smart Phones as Secure Storage,” Proceeding of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2011), pp.415-420, Oct. 2011.
  58. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Takashi Tashiro and Satoru Tezuka, “A Proposal for Federation Technology for authenticated information Between Terminals,” International Conference on Mobile, Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing (ICMUPC 2010), World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 63, pp.277-284, March. 2010.
  59. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Seiichi Susaki, Masamori Kashiyama, and Satoru Tezuka, “A Study on an Authentication Infrastructure between Terminal and ASP for Next Generation Telematic,”Intelligent Transport System Telecommunicaitons (ITST2008). pp.67-71, Oct. 2008.
  60. Katsuyuki Umezawa, Seiichi Susaki, Masamori Kashiyama, and Satoru Tezuka, “A study on user authentication infrastructure for next generation telematics,” IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety 2008(ICVES 2008), pp. 22-24 Sept. 2008, pp.38-44, Sep. 2008.


情報処理学会(IPSJ)、電子情報通信学会(IEICE)、電気学会(IEE)、経営情報学会(JASMIN)、日本教育工学会(JSET)、The Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL)、教育システム情報学会(JSiSE)


E-mail:umezawa[at]info.shonan-it.ac.jp ([at]を@に置き換えてください)




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